Ok end of rant. I feel better. At least I don't feel as stuck anymore. There is a way out of this mess. Scheduling my time better and also not have so many friggin things around me at once. grr argh.
I finally blocked my Coquille shawl from knitty first fall 2010. I used Mini Mochi to make it. I have to say I am in love with the ruffles. Not the best picture but I am having trouble getting the right lighting.
I finished another pair of vanilla socks from sock yarn I found at Tuesday Morning. Over 400 yards for $7.99. I believe they are Poem Marathon socks. They are very light weight and feel like a nice big foot hug.
Knitting On My Mind
I am so behind again on my in-law''s blanket. I have not picked it back up since I started playing with wire. I also am suffering from some seriously dry hands. To remedy this dry hands problem I have been using Berts Bee's lemon cuticle cream and almond butter hand cream. I then place my hands in a cotton glove over night to seal in the moisturizers I have had to do this for 15 minute mini sessions too lately. It is helping but jeeze! I don't remember the last time my hands were this bad.
To be knit list
1. Eye glass necklace (I am becoming an old person that cannot remember where she put her glasses)
2. Zig Zag Lacy socks
3. Ruffle scarf
4. Ruby.
I am not starting anything new until Ruby is finished. No matter how tempting. Also socks count on this one.
:( Guess DH will have to wait for his second pair of socks just a tiny bit longer.
So I decided to take a picture of my pins in a way that you can kinda see the progression. The three on top are my favorite and the first two were created yesterday. The other two were experiments and I am not sure how I feel about them.
Close up of the top two pins.
I wore the loopy one today (first picture with the green yarn) and I felt like a million bucks. I gotta say it took me to a new level of pride. I was strutting with my hand made socks, pi shawl and hand made shawl pin. :D Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture. But you get the idea.