Here we go. As I promised... I have decided to give the story of the socks that finally fit.
I have for almost as long as I have been knitting (around 13 years) wanted to be a sock knitter. I have sock yarn, sock needles, sock books, and done a lot of sock research. I went about knitting my socks determined each time to make sure I had a good fit.
My first sock had promise. It was a toe up sock that I did all the math to fit my foot perfectly. I put it on and it hurt to walk on. They bunched at my ankles and all around just made me think people were insane for knitting socks or even suggesting they were more comfortable then my hanes cotton ones.
My second pair went nearly the same as my first only they were top down and the first time I slipped them on they fit perfectly. Unfortunately, half way through the day my socks grew to the point that they got lost in my boots. Not very comfortable having socks stabbing at your feet while your toes are freezing.
I refused to be deterred! I would make socks that fit correctly and comfortably! I figured I knew what was wrong I am making my socks too big! That must be it. So I tried again determined with smaller measurements and more negative ease. The result? The socks did not have room for my toes. They hurt. They sucked. They were the worst socks ever. In my failure I hated socks. I decided socks sucked. Socks were silly silly horrible inventions that were only good for people with bigger feet... not my tiny 4.5 sized kids feet.
What was my answer to my sad disposition to the sock world? I bought more sock books and did more research. But fear made me not want to cast on. I looked on in envy at every sock knitter who knew something I did not. There had to be a secret and the knitting world was out to keep it from me.
A year or so later...I had an offer during this months knit night after expressing my sock knitting wanna be ways. A wonderful women said she would show me how to do two socks at the same time. I thought what could I lose. The next week I came armed with yarn I had no particular attachment to (cascade fixation) and two set of hiya hiya 4" interchangeable needles.
We cast on x amount of stitches not even caring what the gauge was. I wasn't even caring if the socks fit. I decided I was in it for the adventure of the technique. Screw the end result.
Two hours later I was hooked. I had a groove going. It was fun and challenging and mindless and awesome. Perfect for knit night. Not wanting to completely rely on Ms. Wonderful I bought Knitting More Circles Around Socks by Antje Gillingham from my MYS.
Two days later I had these! I was so excited that it looked exactly like the picture in the books tutorial. I felt thrilled! Thrilled!
I wanted to run around with my needles knocking on neighbors doors speaking of the awesomeness that turning the heel was on two needles. Both socks at the same time! I wanted to call people and brag. Instead I quietly took a picture and filed it away for later.
I tried them on and OMG they fit. These almost socks fit my heel and every bit of my foot that they were supposed to. I kept knitting and trying them on periodically. (something I never was able to do with double points) I tried them on my right foot and I noticed I was getting close to the base of my big toe. I got excited... soon... so very soon I would be decreasing for the toes.
Marty came home and I took him by the hand. Lead him into the bedroom where the socks were being worked on and forced him to look at how awesome they were. He then asked me a very interesting question. "Have you tried the socks on both feet?" I paused. Looked at him like he was the most silly man ever and then stopped suddenly. Hrm.... I realized I hadn't. More to my horror I had in fact only measured my right foot every time I tried to make a sock. I tried the same sock onto my left foot and woah.. the same sock on my right foot was a whole inch shorter on my left. The socks I kept making never fit because I never accounted for the size difference between my two feet!!!!!
I decided to split the difference between the lengths and I ended up with
The most perfect beautiful well fitting socks I have ever made. Ever.
No bunching... perfectly fitted beautiful lines... I am in love.
Thank you Ms. Wonderful. I now can say I can knit socks that fit!
I've already cast on another pair. But that post is for another day. Now I will walk around the house with my socks doing a little dance like I did the first time they came off the needles fitting perfectly. :D
Wow! I'm so glad you FINALLY got a great pair of socks. It's really only by trial and error that we get a pair that really works and that fits they way you WANT them to fit!
You did an amazing job.
Spitfire the only reason I did such an amazing job is because I had such a great teacher... :)
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