Ugh.. yep that's the best title I can come up with this morning. I hardly slept again because of my knitting injury. It really hurts. It's the kind of pain that sets your teeth on edge.
I am the silly goose that decided that because the pain killer kicked in last night I was ok to knit and woke up with an even worse ouch. Tried to do thank you notes this morning (only have 24 left to go!) and found my hand writing looks more like a 5 year olds.
Without knitting I don't really know what I am going to do with myself. I keep taking piles of stuff and straightening them trying to convince myself that it is cleaning. I am also stalking ravelry trying ever so hard not to be inspired but my brain is like a fire cracker filled with inspiration. Suddenly all I can think of is how much I want to knit and try EVERYTHING. I'll even make a blanket in this stuffy hot apartment with the uncomfortable weight and potential sweating if it means I can knit... How about a tea kettle cozy? I think they are silly and a waste of time but if it means I can knit I'll do it.
Alright boo.. back to not moving and perhaps taking a pain killer. (I fight often not to take them. My husband thinks I am weirdly stubborn that way.)
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
So That Happened....
I had such a productive day yesterday. I dragged out and organized my stash. I did the dishes and made a grocery list. I Carefully made more storage space for all of our wedding gifts. (most of which are still in boxes but shh don't tell anyone.)
I then took a picture of the yarn because OMG how did this become so much? Also what am I going to do with the stuff I know I have no intention of ever making... um yeah that's you cotton yarn... You're going to be baby sweaters.. mwah ha ha ha ha...
This is only about 2/3rds of the boxes and bags of stuff I brought out from everywhere that I could think there was yarn. I sorted it (in case you were wondering what my new system is) into worsted without project, worsted with project, baby yarn, sock yarn, lace weight, projects I want to do next and separated out left overs into wool and non-wool. I felt productive. It took about 4 hours but our apartment doesn't feel so cluttered. (I am ignoring the wall of boxes right next to me to be unpacked).
The magazines are now instead of in a stack around the apartment are in their nice new containers.
I even brought out a cookbook to make Marty dinner and was fully intending to look at it. After of course I sat down a knit a little. I practiced lever knitting. I noticed hey I am starting to get faster at this.. maybe I should try to do more than 4 rows. A few hours later Marty came home and I was not cooking or cleaning or even really moving all that much.
I um.. hurt myself knitting. Yes you read that right... I hurt myself knitting. For some unknown reason my pinkie finger betrayed me. I only did lever knitting yesterday for a couple of hours. Today I have limited range of motion in my right shoulder a slightly ouchy pinky and a very sad wrist.
Notice the crazy position my pinkie finger is in and how far back my wrist is. The pinkie is directly connected to the shoulder muscles so bad pinkie posture = hurt Melissa. Oh btw that little cute sweater on my needles is for charity.
I think I am going to stick with my good ol' non-hurting way of knitting. I can knit fast enough darn it!
Now I just need to sit here... doing nothing while my shoulder stops giving me dirty looks and stop staring at my stash.
Good news is... I did get to the yarn store... :) mmm Yarn.. and buttons... and yarn... that I can't knit. :(
In my defense most of these are yarns for baby sweaters. The 1 skein of Malabrigo sock yarn.. a shawl book that was on sale and two skeins of Nuna to go with the other 5 to make Were all on my list that hubby knew about. Marty and I talk about these things.
Now I must go on a yarn diet which I promised myself I would do after I got the Nuna and Malabrigo sock. The yarn accumulation vs. finished product is stressing me out. I decided I must have more finished stuff before I can begin buying more. Oh and NO MORE LEVER KNITTING.
I then took a picture of the yarn because OMG how did this become so much? Also what am I going to do with the stuff I know I have no intention of ever making... um yeah that's you cotton yarn... You're going to be baby sweaters.. mwah ha ha ha ha...
The magazines are now instead of in a stack around the apartment are in their nice new containers.
I even brought out a cookbook to make Marty dinner and was fully intending to look at it. After of course I sat down a knit a little. I practiced lever knitting. I noticed hey I am starting to get faster at this.. maybe I should try to do more than 4 rows. A few hours later Marty came home and I was not cooking or cleaning or even really moving all that much.
I um.. hurt myself knitting. Yes you read that right... I hurt myself knitting. For some unknown reason my pinkie finger betrayed me. I only did lever knitting yesterday for a couple of hours. Today I have limited range of motion in my right shoulder a slightly ouchy pinky and a very sad wrist.
I think I am going to stick with my good ol' non-hurting way of knitting. I can knit fast enough darn it!
Now I just need to sit here... doing nothing while my shoulder stops giving me dirty looks and stop staring at my stash.
Good news is... I did get to the yarn store... :) mmm Yarn.. and buttons... and yarn... that I can't knit. :(
Now I must go on a yarn diet which I promised myself I would do after I got the Nuna and Malabrigo sock. The yarn accumulation vs. finished product is stressing me out. I decided I must have more finished stuff before I can begin buying more. Oh and NO MORE LEVER KNITTING.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Confession of falling down the rabbit hole
I have been reading back blogs from yarn harlot and she took a month to finish all the projects she had cast on but didn't finish for various reasons. I love this idea. I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately as I try to organize my stash and also keep digging out partially finished projects.
On the one hand it's nice to visit the yarn I dedicated to projects. It's nice to see I had some ideas for sweaters and other things. But then I look at this ever growing pile of new yarns coming in to the house (Yeah I went to stitches.. and going to knit night at yarn stores has been of a down fall for me).
This is the series of events that lead me to some sort of crazed frenzy of knitting insanity without actually knitting very much.
I found a love for lace knitting during my wedding planning and my fingers are itching to get back to my Estonian lace project. The only reason I paused on it was because 4 babies decided to come into the world in the same month. :) I love baby knitting.
That lead me into a knitting challenge with myself to see how fast I could finish them and which needle would be best to do so. I used Addi lace fixed, Dense, and Hiya Hiya interchangeable needles. Surprisingly Hiya Hiya won. I also kept finding faster ways of finishing and I just love the idea of a little one being warmed by my creativity.
This then lead to the need to sew on buttons which for the life of me I completely forgot how. I researched finishing books I have and stumbled across lilly chin's book of tips.. where I found a OMG fantastic idea! Put the buttons on while you knit! Brilliant! So of course now I need to make another baby sweater but I haven't had time to buy the buttons.
Which lead to me deciding I need to put my stash on Ravelry so that I remind myself I do have yarn and I do not need to keep buying more no matter how much my brain tells me the colors of that would look great with blah blah or OMG I haven't seen this before I wonder what it's like to knit with it.
And then... I went to charity knitting... Charity knitting while making my own personal project (for a baby to be born but still not for charity) and I started to feel the guilt. I have all this wool I don't really know what to do with and I know I cannot make it into a baby sweater for new mothers (hand wash + new mom's = evil) so when I heard they are knitting for wool aid I knew what my wool had to be. Sweaters. Tons of baby, toddler and whatever else they can be to help.
While digging through my stash to organize I found so many left over yarn balls big enough to make something with and I kept piling them up... well that lead me to realize oh crap I need more bins to organize this yarn!
I swear this crap is never ending. Where am I now? Yearning to make a baby sweater for family and friends for a little one to be some day so I am not under the gun to finish 4 in two weeks (with knit on buttons) but still don't have the buttons. I have yarn all over the bedroom that I share with my husband who has been amazingly understanding about it. I have waay too many projects cast on which is stressing me out. And for some reason I decided to teach myself lever knitting in an attempt to knit through my stash faster.
Someone please save me from myself. I am stuck in yarn land and I cannot get out!!
BTW I fully intend to go to the yarn store tomorrow to get some more yarn to make other projects... oy vey... someone give me an intervention. Thank goodness school is starting soon. I won't have as much time for these shenanigans.
On the one hand it's nice to visit the yarn I dedicated to projects. It's nice to see I had some ideas for sweaters and other things. But then I look at this ever growing pile of new yarns coming in to the house (Yeah I went to stitches.. and going to knit night at yarn stores has been of a down fall for me).
This is the series of events that lead me to some sort of crazed frenzy of knitting insanity without actually knitting very much.
I found a love for lace knitting during my wedding planning and my fingers are itching to get back to my Estonian lace project. The only reason I paused on it was because 4 babies decided to come into the world in the same month. :) I love baby knitting.
That lead me into a knitting challenge with myself to see how fast I could finish them and which needle would be best to do so. I used Addi lace fixed, Dense, and Hiya Hiya interchangeable needles. Surprisingly Hiya Hiya won. I also kept finding faster ways of finishing and I just love the idea of a little one being warmed by my creativity.
This then lead to the need to sew on buttons which for the life of me I completely forgot how. I researched finishing books I have and stumbled across lilly chin's book of tips.. where I found a OMG fantastic idea! Put the buttons on while you knit! Brilliant! So of course now I need to make another baby sweater but I haven't had time to buy the buttons.
Which lead to me deciding I need to put my stash on Ravelry so that I remind myself I do have yarn and I do not need to keep buying more no matter how much my brain tells me the colors of that would look great with blah blah or OMG I haven't seen this before I wonder what it's like to knit with it.
And then... I went to charity knitting... Charity knitting while making my own personal project (for a baby to be born but still not for charity) and I started to feel the guilt. I have all this wool I don't really know what to do with and I know I cannot make it into a baby sweater for new mothers (hand wash + new mom's = evil) so when I heard they are knitting for wool aid I knew what my wool had to be. Sweaters. Tons of baby, toddler and whatever else they can be to help.
While digging through my stash to organize I found so many left over yarn balls big enough to make something with and I kept piling them up... well that lead me to realize oh crap I need more bins to organize this yarn!
I swear this crap is never ending. Where am I now? Yearning to make a baby sweater for family and friends for a little one to be some day so I am not under the gun to finish 4 in two weeks (with knit on buttons) but still don't have the buttons. I have yarn all over the bedroom that I share with my husband who has been amazingly understanding about it. I have waay too many projects cast on which is stressing me out. And for some reason I decided to teach myself lever knitting in an attempt to knit through my stash faster.
Someone please save me from myself. I am stuck in yarn land and I cannot get out!!
BTW I fully intend to go to the yarn store tomorrow to get some more yarn to make other projects... oy vey... someone give me an intervention. Thank goodness school is starting soon. I won't have as much time for these shenanigans.
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