I then took a picture of the yarn because OMG how did this become so much? Also what am I going to do with the stuff I know I have no intention of ever making... um yeah that's you cotton yarn... You're going to be baby sweaters.. mwah ha ha ha ha...
The magazines are now instead of in a stack around the apartment are in their nice new containers.
I even brought out a cookbook to make Marty dinner and was fully intending to look at it. After of course I sat down a knit a little. I practiced lever knitting. I noticed hey I am starting to get faster at this.. maybe I should try to do more than 4 rows. A few hours later Marty came home and I was not cooking or cleaning or even really moving all that much.
I um.. hurt myself knitting. Yes you read that right... I hurt myself knitting. For some unknown reason my pinkie finger betrayed me. I only did lever knitting yesterday for a couple of hours. Today I have limited range of motion in my right shoulder a slightly ouchy pinky and a very sad wrist.
I think I am going to stick with my good ol' non-hurting way of knitting. I can knit fast enough darn it!
Now I just need to sit here... doing nothing while my shoulder stops giving me dirty looks and stop staring at my stash.
Good news is... I did get to the yarn store... :) mmm Yarn.. and buttons... and yarn... that I can't knit. :(
Now I must go on a yarn diet which I promised myself I would do after I got the Nuna and Malabrigo sock. The yarn accumulation vs. finished product is stressing me out. I decided I must have more finished stuff before I can begin buying more. Oh and NO MORE LEVER KNITTING.
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