Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Ugh.. yep that's the best title I can come up with this morning. I hardly slept again because of my knitting injury. It really hurts. It's the kind of pain that sets your teeth on edge.

I am the silly goose that decided that because the pain killer kicked in last night I was ok to knit and woke up with an even worse ouch. Tried to do thank you notes this morning (only have 24 left to go!) and found my hand writing looks more like a 5 year olds.

Without knitting I don't really know what I am going to do with myself. I keep taking piles of stuff and straightening them trying to convince myself that it is cleaning. I am also stalking ravelry trying ever so hard not to be inspired but my brain is like a fire cracker filled with inspiration. Suddenly all I can think of is how much I want to knit and try EVERYTHING. I'll even make a blanket in this stuffy hot apartment with the uncomfortable weight and potential sweating if it means I can knit... How about a tea kettle cozy? I think they are silly and a waste of time but if it means I can knit I'll do it.

Alright boo.. back to not moving and perhaps taking a pain killer. (I fight often not to take them. My husband thinks I am weirdly stubborn that way.)

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