Sunday, March 23, 2008

If you don't like it... frog it!

update on Strife. It is completely finished. It's amazing and beautiful and I love it. This is the first completely Mel designed sweater... no formula just me and my body measurements :D
I have a bad pic that'll have to do for now. 
Kermit is currently back on my to be finished project list. I didn't like how the armpits fit... I kept having to readjust everything so it looked right. I'm so over high maintenance clothing. So here's a vague photo of the surgery... 
I'm super proud of myself. I always wondered how everyone got the perfect fit out of sweaters. I always felt like if I worked this hard I don't want to undo anything and end up working harder. I never understood how they got it to look so perfect. Now I get it... if you are unhappy with it... and you're probably not going to wear it anyway might as well experiment until you get it right. News flash to ME ----> I'm the one wearing it. DUH! anyway enough berating myself. This is what this blog is for. Taking risks... making things that I enjoy wearing. 

Pinking pinkerton may be next on the list of things that will be frogged and redone. In the mean time I'll keep you guys posted and perhaps if my boyfriend is feeling generous he'll take some pix for me to post for you guys of strife. :D

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

New Sweater

Hello. I drew... I did math... and now I am nearly done with my new V neck sweater with short sleeves. I am naming it Strife because I was knitting it when I was completing finals and it is striped ! Anyway I am leaving for Vegas tomorrow and will not be able to update there. I'll be back on the 20th with more picture goodness!

If I finish Strife by tomorrow I'll try to take a picture... 

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Measure, draw, knit!

I now have my measurements. Turns out I am not a square shape as I thought before I'm an hourglass. I am so hot! 

Anyway now that I know my body I'll be able to get everything a bit more fitted. I'm thinking of doing a drawing of myself like large to scale and then going to kinkos and shrinking it down so I have a little Melissa Doll... that way I can see if a design would look good on me and yadda yadda... 

Up next: Happy hands and tools of the trade. :)

Name me!

I am currently stretching my creative muscles and doing a lot of trial and error for my next sweater. I'm doing some slight mods to it so far. 1x1 Ribbing to have it be less pronounced and I'm thinking lower V neck. I've also started re-reading "Sweater Design in Plain English" by Maggie Righetti. I really want to start doing more designs then "The Sweater Workshop" allows. 

I have started drawing some stuff out and maybe after I talk my wonderful roommate into measuring me I can start actually making those drawings into sweaters! I'm tired of making things according to someone's pattern. F that. I want it to fit my body and make me look good, otherwise honestly what's the point?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Kermit Complete!

Hubba Hubba! Yay for blocking with steam! It fits and it looks awesome! I think I am going to do something cabled next.

Kermit the count down

And you guys thought I was slacking off. Here is Kermit nearly done. All that is left is the ribbing around the neckline and sewing up the armpits. I can't wait to wear this!!!