Saturday, October 2, 2010

30 day Challenge #2

Challenge number 2? What happened to number 1?! Well I didn't think to blog it so.. there it isn't.(yeah that made my brain hurt too)

Recap on #1: I gave up sugar for 1 month. first 5 days were hard. I found myself getting weirdly angry that I couldn't have any. I also had a hard time with stress. I wanted a brownie every time things got a bit too hard and instead had to reach for the next best thing.. fruit. But I got through and every day got easier. I started feeling better and craving more nutritious foods. After the month was over I went out to Roses Wheat Free Bakery in Evanston, IL and had a brownie. It wasn't all I had been dreaming about. It was just too sweet and it laid in me for hours making me sluggish and tired. I think I will keep going without sugar. It doesn't feel as good as I thought it would.

Challenge #2: 15 minutes a day on the elliptical except on Mondays (since that is my 15 hour day). I'll update the progress... :D

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