Thursday, September 8, 2011


I am having the most infuriating argument with myself.

Me: Stop being so tired and wake up already! Being spacey is not getting anything done!
Self: I can't help it. You tried coffee, protein, sugar, water, sleep.. what do you want from me?
Me: Just wake up! I need you to be productive! Go! Go! Go!
Self: What did you just say? Sorry I spaced out for a second...

This is what I have been like since around 1:30pm. Marty and I prepared for our new bed to be brought to us tomorrow. He moved the bed and I cleaned under it. He then disassembled our bed frame (which we learned was the wrong size for our new bed. Doh!) and our head board. It's now laying around the house in our dinning room.

I had a bit of arm swelling/ pain from sweeping but it's under control. Luckily I got a couple of rows in of knitting before the swell. I knit very SLOWLY. It's hilarious to think I got into this mess all for the sake of knitting faster and now I knit about 3 stitches... take a break... evaluate hand/arm/shoulder... wait a little longer... then knit 3 stitches. It takes a long time to get through a row.

Judging by my spacey-sleepy-lack-of-focused-self I am not going to get to knit night I wanted to go. Thank you to everyone that has reached out to me even if I have not immediately reached back. I miss you all.

Maybe if my arm is ok I can drive myself to pick up yarn tomorrow... or perhaps I can get my very nice husband to take me. :)

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